Replying to LO27860 --
Dear neil,
You wrote:
>In able for me to study motivation, i will need a questionaire.
Do you need a questionnaire? Personally, I'm not very keen on
questionnaires. I believe that we can get a much better perspective by
using a form of collaborative inquiry, inviting those who are the
'subject' of the inquiry to also become co-creators of it.
In this way you can discover what is really important in the organisation
you are working with. A questionnaire only lets you glimpse those areas
which it pre-determines.
What do others think?
Best wishes,
Richard Seel
New Paradigm Consulting
Organisation Consultancy & Development
Seabrink, Beach Road, Bacton Green, Norfolk NR12 0EP, UK.
+44 (0)1692 650 706
--Richard Seel <>
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