Replying to LO27895 --
Some relevant reading material:
Moral Mazes: The world of corporate managers
Robert Jackall
He, at least, describes the challenges we face in the pre-existing
organizations. As a sociologist with a keen eye for reporting and
assessing organizational behavior, Jackall is quite profound in his
observations. The book is based on 3 years of field work in corporations.
This is not another "search of excellence" book.
I learned of this book from David S. Isenberg and his Smart Letter list.
He is the author of the Rise of the Stupid Network which can be through
links on
Eli Camhi
>I must admit that I couldn't follow the tread - I'm short in free energy
>these days :o), but I'm browsing free, to pick up words of compassion and
>sanity from the contributors of this very special list ... thanks All :o)
--Eli Camhi
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