Cultivating honesty and integrity in our organisations LO27898

From: Mark Spain (
Date: 02/24/02

Replying to LO27863 --

At de Lange in Subject: Cultivating honesty and integrity in our
organisations LO27863 thoughtfully writes

"The great danger of my articulations is that they are merely external
information. They cannot be internalised as knowledge by a process which I
call rote learning. They can become at most "inner information" when this
rote learning is perfected. My articulations are intended for something
different. It is to let you fellow learners recognise your own tacit
knowledge in them, whether it is the same or different to mine. However,
recognising your tacit knowledge is not the same as articulating it. Only
when you articulate your tacit knowledge self, does it become more than
tacit knowledge. I have deep respect for fellow learners who try to
articulate their tacit knowledge authentically since I know how difficult
it is to articulate mine for the benefit of other learners."

Dear At and fellow LOers

Thank you for your articulations. I am impressed by the time, energy and
commitment you, At, invest into expressing yourself here with all of us.
For me, I feel I have to be very disciplined in my own life to read and
reflect on all our contributions to this list and then to find my own
authentic learning and write a response or share my own experience. This
is especially true when I also need to prepare our family meal or wash up
afterwards with my children and wife or help them with their school
learning and homework so that their learning too remains authentic. From
these reflections I only very occasionally feel moved to respond to you
all with an email although I value the dialogue in our community.
Reflecting on your statement I have several questions that I would value
your (and others) response to

1. What does my tacit knowledge become when I articulate it?

It reminds me that much of my authenticity and openness to learning is
tested in my day-to-day behaviour.

2. How do I, or another person, notice the difference in my authentic
behaviour if I am demonstrating that I am articulating and testing my tacit
>From the outside it may look like the expression "Before enlightenment
carrying wood and fetching water; after enlightenment carrying wood and
fetching water"

3. When are the times in my day-to-day life that I can best articulate and
test my tacit knowledge as I respond to people and situations authenticly?
.... I more often do this by reacting to people and situations by
remaining in the long, narrow valley of my own existing beliefs and
assumptions about them and the situation. I may make attributions of them
and not be aware of challenging my own thinking

4. I am also genuinely interested in what other ways members have created
more opportunities for authentic relationships via our connection on this
list to overcome the danger that At describes as exchanging "merely
external information"?

I look forward to any response to the list from any of you and also I am
comfortable with no response if you are, like me, satisfied with reading
and reflecting on what others share of their thinking.

Life is good!


Mark Spain <>

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