Replying to LO27898 --
Dear Mark,
I like your questions, and I'm challenged to answer spontaneously (like
many in this list, I also have to improve in managing my time and my free
energy between the various roles i'm so lucky to play :o) ...
> 1. What does my tacit knowledge become when I articulate it?
I can't answer this question since I don't know you, and even if I
would have met you, or have had any kind of relationship with you, I
couldn't have had known (is this English?).
But I can tell you about my tacit knowledge (it's only for me to
define what IT is) when I articulate IT:
For me, the tacit knowledge becomes an instance in a model - old model
or new model (I make my distinction between old and new by measuring
the mental effort ... and the scale changes with time, like everything
> 2. How do I, or another person, notice the difference in my authentic
> behaviour if I am demonstrating that I am articulating and testing my
> tacit knowledge?
You will probably behave like Rodin's Thinking Man :o).
You will notice your difference in behaviour as it will reflect itself to
you in the behaviour of your environment (you mentioned wife and children,
it can be friend, boss, colleague, neighbour ... )
> 3. When are the times in my day-to-day life that I can best articulate and
> test my tacit knowledge as I respond to people and situations authenticly?
in my experience any-time is good. but always keep it some-time - never
let it become all-time.
> .... I more often do this by reacting to people and situations by
> remaining in the long, narrow valley of my own existing beliefs and
> assumptions about them and the situation. I may make attributions
> of them and not be aware of challenging my own thinking
it often happens to me too. don't give in - i'm sure that the ratio
improves :o).
> 4. I am also genuinely interested in what other ways members have created
> more opportunities for authentic relationships via our connection on this
> list to overcome the danger that At describes as exchanging "merely
> external information"?
for me, writing this reply, and pushing the "send" button within five
seconds from now is an opportunity - thanks for giving it.
Judy Tal
--Judy Tal <>
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