Replying to LO27900 --
Malcolm's thinking here is similar to my own. Much of what we have is
anecdotal evidence of the effectiveness of any intervention model or
organizational behavior model. I have used LO methods as a consultant and
as a leader in both private and publicly traded companies, not for
profits, and academic situations. The only place they don't seem to work
is my own home!!
I have seen organizations rise to the top of their class and then sink
back into mediocrity or even worse. I think it has to do with continuity
of leadership, the faith of the community in that leadership, and the
ability of the leadership to pass on not only the baton of effective
leadership, but all of its hallmark behaviors.
John Zavacki
We should be guided by theory, not by numbers. W. Edwards Deming
--"John Zavackii" <>
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