Replying to LO27900 --
For me, the (true but frustrating) answer is in Jeffrey Pfeffer's and
Robert Sutton's book, "The Knowing-Doing Gap." The title is the message.
There's a gap, and it's there for pervasive, cultural reasons, and talking
about it, even at the depth we do in this forum, is still on the "knowing"
side of the chasm.
(Rick - I've attached a Word file with a review I wrote on this book. If
you want, feel free to make it available in whatever way you think is
[Host's Note: Joe's document is at
> "What evidence is there that any particular approach, including LO,
> actually produces long-term results that are demonstrably better or
> longer-lasting than any other?"
--"PODOLSKY,JOE (HP-Cupertino,ex1)" <>
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