Replying to LO27900 --
Dear All Learners,
> > "What evidence is there that any particular approach, including LO,
> > actually produces long-term results that are demonstrably better or
> > longer-lasting than any other?"
Someone, ...I quote from memory, asked Mao what he thought the effect of
the French Revolution was on world events, he replied something
like...'Well, a good question, let us wait and see.'
Learning authentically, like creating authentically enables a level of
recursiveness that is likely to create sufficient nestedness within the
hierarchies to offer long term fruitfulness.
Maybe our LO friend Hanching Chung can expand on the H.A. Simon
observation that... as soon as organizations envisage a problem they
SATISFICE into a non living (rote) answermodality.
Authentic learning coming from authentic questioning leads beautifully
from narrow to wide based theories/practices which may deliver a pathway
out from the ditch of level one (single loop) learning to the open fields
of a genuine purposeful;-) metanoia.
Sage to mountaineering truth seeker..."What, you mean the secret of the
universe isn't potatoes?"
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