Making a difference of 42 LO27936

From: Jan Lelie (
Date: 03/04/02

Replying to LO27919 and LO27900 --

And, quoting from The Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy (HHGTTG) by the late
Douglas - "for fiscal reasons I'll be death for one year" - Adams:

"Forty-two!" yelled Loonquawl, "Is that all you've got to show for seven
and a half year million years' work?"

"I checked it very thoroughly," said the computer, "and that quite
definetely is the answer. I think the problem, to be quite honest with
you, is that you never actually known what the question is."

end of quote

Most people seem to resist the idea that the only purpose, in the long
run, is the way you purpose yourself. And there it is no purpose in trying
to convince as many people as possible of any purpose you deem reasonable.
There is no guarantee you're right and there is no safety in numbers.
Except for the odd 42, that is.

Evolve love,

Jan wrote:

> Someone, ...I quote from memory, asked Mao what he thought the effect of
> the French Revolution was on world events, he replied something
> like...'Well, a good question, let us wait and see.'
> Learning authentically, like creating authentically enables a level of
> recursiveness that is likely to create sufficient nestedness within the
> hierarchies to offer long term fruitfulness.
> Maybe our LO friend Hanching Chung can expand on the H.A. Simon
> observation that... as soon as organizations envisage a problem they
> SATISFICE into a non living (rote) answermodality.
> Authentic learning coming from authentic questioning leads beautifully
> from narrow to wide based theories/practices which may deliver a pathway
> out from the ditch of level one (single loop) learning to the open fields
> of a genuine purposeful;-) metanoia.
> Sage to mountaineering truth seeker..."What, you mean the secret of the
> universe isn't potatoes?"

With kind regards - met vriendelijke groeten,

Jan Lelie

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