Intro -- Elixabete Escalona LO27935

From: elixabete escalona (
Date: 03/04/02

Dear Learners,

First of all, let me congratulate you for the brilliant discussion area
you have created. I found out about the "learning-chat" by chance when
looking for information on the internet and since I joined, two weeks ago,
I have been trying to catch up with all the messages that I had missed! I
am impressed with the interesting insights I am getting and reading them
is very much part of my daily routine now.

Please, let me introduce myself. I am a distance learning MBA student and
from the University of Leicester, England and I am on the process of doing
my research. The topic of my research is the implementation and
compatibility of the quality certificate ISO 9000 in the Learning
Organisation. Before joining this course I was working in an ISO 9000
certified company in Spain. (I guess most of you had noticed for my
grammar by now that I'm neither British nor American.) The ISO certificate
was taking very seriously and practices and regulations were followed very
rigorously. On the other hand, this course provided me with the first
contact to the L-O and all the ideas and philosophies related to it. My
experience showed me that many aspects of the ISO 9000 were against the
philosophy of the L-O and I though that this could be an interesting topic
for my research. I hope that you find it of interest as well.

As experts on the L-O, I feel there are no better people to ask so I would
be most appreciative if you could give me your views on this idea. I
understand that ISO certificate, as a Quality measure can be a subset of
the L-O while the L-O may have a more holistic approach within the
organisation. However, if we go into detail, some aspects of the
approaches may confront. For example, in the LO, employees are encouraged
to identify and solve problems when possible even if these are not part of
their direct responsibilities. On the other hand, the ISO 9000 clearly
specifies the responsibilities and areas of coverage of each employee. If
one employee tackles an issue out of his/her responsibilities, this would
go against the norm of the ISO. In this sense, while the L-O is trying to
create a climate in which people can experiment and learn, the ISO
regulations set up limitations for each individual.

I would appreciate your opinions on this as I feel that your views can be
of great interest.

Best wishes,

[Host's Note: Welcome, Elixabete! ..Rick]


"elixabete escalona" <>

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