Intro -- Elixabete Escalona LO27938

From: Dennis Rolleston (
Date: 03/05/02

Replying to LO27935 --

Hello Elixabete,

It sounds to me that your ISO company applied ISO far to rigidly. The
company I work for has been ISO accredited for more than 10 years now and
when we first achieved accreditation, so too was our application a rigid
one. We have moved on from that and while we have job descriptions this
in no way prevents us from working/assisting outside of the realms of that
description. Some of our management have been looking at the concept of
the "LO" and don't see any clash with being accredited as well.

When you look at the new ISO 9000:2000 standard I think you will see that
it is trying to steer away from the rigidity that hinders rather than
helps an organisation.

Welcome to the list,




"Dennis Rolleston" <>

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