Replying to LO27902 --
Dear Organlearners,
Winfried Dressler < > writes:
>Although reading them must have been difficult for
>you for they often represented more "mind in action"
>than communication, the LO clearly was THE learning
>environment for me.
Greetings dear Winfried,
You have articulated it so lovely. Communication without "minds in action"
is an empty excercise.
>Now I am back as the general manager of the product
>group I came from. It is a great challenge for me for I
>always used to be more consultant than to take over the
>operative responsibility. Now I am in and I have new
>possibilities to create in order to learn to create better.
Congratulations with this important promotion. I also pray for wisdom that
you may accomplish what you have in mind. The fisrt step is to find out
what each of the many under you wants.
>Please don't worry about me. I am fine and very
>busy learning, also learning to create a learning
>organization ;-)
Thanks for letting us know why your writings will be less frequent for
some time. We expect to benefit from your learning somewhere in future.
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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