Cultivating ... LO27928

From: AM de Lange (
Date: 03/04/02

Replying to LO27912 --

Dear Organlearners,

Andrew Campbell < > writes:

>Action (praxis) and Speech (lexis) There is an even
>more ancient idea in the 'western tradition' From
>Aristotle to Bohm there is a thread...that the highest
> capacity for mankind is not 'logos' but 'nous'...not
>'reason' but 'contemplation'. It's chief characteristic..
>that it cannot be rendered adequately in speech.

Greetings dear Andrew,

What a fine way you have said it. I only want to add that it is an ancient
idea also in "Eastern tradition" as well as "African tradition".

I think personally that is because the "hidden order" is a "one-to-
many-mapping" or a "one-becomes-many" as some of the eastern philosophers
said it. Articulating the implicate order, even with a language, is
usually a many-to-one-mapping. But what Da Vinci and later aslo Goethe
discovered is that they can become closer to articulating this implicate
order by using many rather than one kind of art/medium.

>In that desert <> alone <> no shadow

Only at midday when the sun is at its zenith ;-)

And as we desert wolves say, if it catches you alone at that time of the
day, it makes a sacrifice out of you.

With care and best wishes


At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa

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