Mendel, Complexity, Spirit, Man, Bateson, Einstein, etc. LO27965

From: Judy Tal (
Date: 03/11/02

Replying to LO27819 --

Steven Hawking, in his book The Universe in a Nutshell (TUIN :-) deals
also with population growth (which is exponential, thus cannot go-on

He argues that we either "wipe ourselves out completely
by some disaster" ... ...snip... ...or deal with it (the outcome
of population growth) constructively. He follows this remark
by a personal optimistic view point:
" ... I don't believe the human race has come so far just to
snuff itself out when things are getting interesting."
<pp.159 and on, there>.

Love, Peace and Understanding,

Judy Tal

> Hello (plex?) learners,
> My eye was caught and'rewn to a title with complexity, Bateson and without
> Darwin. A relief to find him in the full title. Charles is my middle name,
> but i assume no reference to any other person but my great-grandfather
> (not a Darwin) was intended. None the less, meaning in the eye of the
> beholder is what our world is about.
> My perspective on prospective complexity: such is life and is becoming
> sucher and sucher all the time.


Judy Tal <>

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