Replying to LO27965 --
Dear interested readers, organized learners,
The Universe and any other Nutshell is not about us, is not for us, not
against us. It is not neutral and it is not a party. It is. We are.
Nobody, nothing, cares whether we wipe ourselves out, mary, beget children
and divorce, build a tower of Bable or a Wall, create a paradise, grow and
prosper (or not) and fill the entire earth or a Universe, but ourselves.
Our existence, our being as well as our mind, is empty, null and void
unless we fill it ourselves. The same goes for the Universe.
We - at least i - have learned differently. That there is a Purpose, a
Goal, a Development, a Progress, a reward, an after life, a meaning. That
may be true, but if it is, this world is a Milgram experiment that
out-milgrams Milgram. What we are learning, the hard way, is to fill this
empty mind, this chaos, this life, this universe. Our universe was empty:
so fill it with matter (mother?), stars and planets. Our earth (mother)
was empty: so fill it with plants and animals. Our heads were empty: so
fill them with feelings, thoughts and words. Our lifes are empty, so fill
them with pyramids, churches, temples, mosques, synagogues, Houses of
Parliament and motorways: goods feel good. The only sensible the goal is
to progress, to evolve, to develop, to change. And it is even worse: even
evolution has no purpose but to evolve. Sometimes we build, sometimes we
break. And what we have learned so far is of little help of what we still
have to master. We have plenty of time, though, lots and lots and lots, so
why hurry?
Hmmm .... halve a page of scribbles lines; hanging on in quite desparation
is our common way ...
Judy Tal wrote:
> Steven Hawking, in his book The Universe in a Nutshell (TUIN :-) deals
> also with population growth (which is exponential, thus cannot go-on
> forever).
> He argues that we either "wipe ourselves out completely
> by some disaster" ... ...snip... ...or deal with it (the outcome
> of population growth) constructively. He follows this remark
> by a personal optimistic view point:
> " ... I don't believe the human race has come so far just to
> snuff itself out when things are getting interesting."
> <pp.159 and on, there>.
-- With kind regards - met vriendelijke groeten,Jan Lelie
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