Resuscitation and international standard LO27978

From: Minnigh (
Date: 03/13/02

Dear LO'ers,

Today I saw a strange article in the newspaper. But first a question to you:

What should you do if your motorcar is broken: a) first refill the
gasoline tank, and then reparing the motor, or b) first reparing the motor
and than filling the gas tank?

I think that you found this question somewhat stupid. But what shall you
do if the international standard for this situation is option a). Are you
still continuing with b), or are you going to follow the rest of the

The strange article was that the Netherlands will finally :-) follow the
rest of the world and all instructions will be changed accordingly: in
case of resuscitation first artificial respiration, then heart massage,
despite the fact that there is still enough oxygen in the blood.

Rules and standards could be strange.

Leo Minnigh


Minnigh <>

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