Replying to LO27962 --
chris macrae writes:
> I am trying to research companies with win-win cultures - specifically
> acknowledged in their choice of values. I would be most grateful for any
> help of the following kind:
While I don't have any direct pointers to such companies, you might have
some success by contacting Barry Boehm of the University of Southern
California Center for Software Engineering. One of his projects/products
is the " WinWin Spiral Model" of project management. Look at for an overview. The
center is supported by a number of commercial companies (see the
"Affiliates" links), some of whom may be using the methods and tools.
(This is more like "win-win as a process", but may be useful to you.)
Happy hunting,
-- Don Dwiggins "Solvitur Ambulando" d.l.dwiggins@computer.orgLearning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
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