Replying to LO27945 --
>With joy and a smile
>Daan Joubert
>Roodepoort, South Africa
>PS Andrew, this explains the 'Agape' and not 'Love'. But it may come.
Dear Daan,
A letter, like a note, like a sentiment and a stream always arrives at its
destination. Sam Johnson.
The treadmill may well ;-) be a prodigious part of our soul Daan.
Conceiving so much more than we can accomplish, so that whoever trying his
own actions by his imagination (as I see you restlessly doing right now) ,
may well appear to him/herself despicable in his/her own eyes (you me both
and.) What sad waste, those years? Mmmmmmm. There came upon the dear Dr
Johnson a period of decay and desertion ;-) unto and into himself outward
projecting, like night wrapped around seen from a tower. From atop which
you share with me and fellows male and female accounts of waterjouneys and
stillednesses like so many minded passages and now you have come upon your
own glimpsed 'kingdom come' and I think each watercourse will offer new
reflectivity. In a place of reflections I am guided by the good doctor and
lexicographer in a seadom of words to say "Gnothi seauton", "Be aquainted
with thyself".
That translation from the authentic Greek was Johnson's own....' in which
dictate the whole extant of its meaning may be said to comprise of the
speculation requisite to a moral agent'....So, suggesting....'a division
between the two acquaintances, the self that acts and is and the self that
In difference all kinds of tensions build up between me on the one hand;-)
and 'experience' on the other. No action and no force (wei) will get rid
of this tension arising from the duality of known and knower, juts as one
cannot blow away that dark. Light and intuitive understanding may
dissipate the darkness according to Alan Watts;-) As with the ball in the
stream, resistance brings sea sickness. Falling uninjured like a man drunk
on wine or ale such security may only be increased from Spontaneity
(Watts' capitalization) For Watts as perhaps others real intelligence
comes as a by-product and not a direct objective;-)
"The sound of the water
says what I think."
Chuang-tzu 6, tr. Fung Yu-lan (3) p. 113, mod, auct.
(The Watercourse Way. Alan Watts and Al Chung-Liang Huang
>All is Strange,
>Yet Nothing New.
A Way of Waater;-)
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