Benefits to organization members LO27993

From: Wirth, Ross (
Date: 03/15/02

Replying to LO27972 --

Excellent comment!

Instead of having an organization where members ask "what's in it for me?"
have one that encourages them to ask "what do I want in it?"

Interesting twist on the perspective taken to individual benefit. This
also gets closer to building a shared vision.

>Perhaps in an Ordinary Organistion
>>It all starts with "What is in it for me?"
>But in a Learning Organisation
>it all starts with "What do you want in it?"
>When the leader self (like Mugabe) begin to ask "What is in it for me?" a
>dictatorship is looming. But when the leader self (like Mandela) begin to
>ask "What do you want in it?" old wounds begin to heal.


"Wirth, Ross" <>

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