Benefits to organization members LO27992

Date: 03/15/02

Replying to LO27972 --

Responding to At's comments to Ross Wirth

>But in a Learning Organisation it all starts with "What do you want in
>it?" When the leader self (like Mugabe) begin to ask "What is in it for
>me?" a dictatorship is looming. But when the leader self (like Mandela)
>begin to ask "What do you want in it?" old wounds begin to heal.

That is truely profound! At....many of your responses are too long for my
patience (my problem not yours). But what you said here, in so few words,
very much captures the essence of so much that we discuss on this list.
I plan to save this paragraph and find ways to use it and grow from it.

Thank you for sharing this and your other more lengthly (though taxing for
some of us) thoughts on this list.

Michael Bremer
The Cumberland Group


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