Replying to LO27999 --
>I think you are very brave because universities do not like to be
>criticised in very basic and general thing which they have (ought ;-) to
>By now the management teams of most universities ought to have heard
>something about a Learning Organisation. I wonder how many teams have
>actually started in transforming their university into a LO?
>I usually try to avoid shock tactics, but in this case I think that shock
>tactics are needed because it involves people who should have known much
I don't know whether I'm the brave one or whether the others (some
Universities) are the week ones :-)
It takes a lot of guts to question what one's been doing for ages and look
into it through a completely different perspective. A perspective where
the ones in charge are not the ones with all the answers, where the ones
at the top are not necessarily the ones who know best, where the ones with
the chalk stick in their hands are not necessarily the ones with the more
innovative way of facing problems.
I think it's time for us to think, re-think, and think again: where are
we? Where do we want to go? Can we get there doing what we've always
done? If not (and I guess the answer would be no), so take a deep breath,
take pride in what you do and... fight your way to get there.
I received an e-mail from one of the portal's visitors who told me that I
could replace "Universities" by "Public Sector Organisations" and every
single word would still make sense. I also think that I could replace
"Universities" for "Non-learning organisations" and would still make
sense. Ultimately, we all have to question what we're doing. But, as you
say, At, in Universities... people should know better ;-)
I will eventually send some more paragraphs to this list but they will all
be available at portal KMOL
( (The Portuguese version
is almost complete, but I still have to translate most of the English
Best regards,
Ana Neves
portal KMOL
Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning
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