Replying to LO28011 --
Dear learners and dear Ana,
I found your site very interesting and must consider myself one of the
fortunates who could understand the Portuguese (thanks to the similarities
of the language with the Spanish). I agree with the rest of the learners
in one thing, it is a pity that not all the points have comments...
However, I would like to make a suggestion. I work in a university myself
in thw administrative side and I was surprised when I noticed that you
don't mention admins. I think you could change it slightly so you clarify
that you are referring only to academics and not the university as a
whole. (nothing personal, though ;-)
>Ana Neves <> writes:
> >It takes a lot of guts to question what one's been
> >doing for ages and look into it through a completely
> >different perspective.
--"elixabete escalona" <>
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