Replying to LO28021 --
Hello Morty,
Thanks for the contribution and reference.
What is the meaning of LOfe?
Years ago i came to the same conclusions: our parents involuntarily or
accidentely or out of love or because they had had the same experience in
their life - karma - coupled meanings, emotions and ideas in (or is it at)
a situation with our inherent survival mechanism. I noticed it through
introspection as i was investigating the sources of my bad habits. Because
we have a superficial conscious - we would remain autistic if we flooded
with all the information we're usually unaware of - the conscious is not
interested, or capable, in the processing of our inner life behind the
scenes. I like the metafore of the dark glasses introduced in The
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: these special glasses will turn dark
whenever you're in a situation that is life threatening, so you will not
be confronted too directly with your own death. The survival mechanism
takes over whenever it perceives a threath, but is very crude at
perceiving it. As mentioned in Joseph's LeDoux "The Emotional Brain", the
bypassing is hard-wired, becoming like a reflex.
Also i've noticed a kind of double bind: whenever you start to investigate
the mechanisms of the mind and the brain, the reasons behind our
behaviour, the investigation is labeled "Dangerous", "No trespassing",
Taboo", "Keep out", "Every thing under control". Our beliefs are very
thighly coupled to our survival mechanism indeed. This coupling made sense
when we were living in a savanne and were threatened by everything that
considered us lunch. But nowadays - at least in the parts of the world i
live in - these reactions are inadequate. Only your boss (your mother,
your spouse, your children) will see you as lunch!
Evolution is a slow, blind, haphazardous process. I guess we'll work it
out and in the end will survive our own survival instincts. Not now, but
in few generations. A pity that our future off-spring will not experience
the same angst and fears at situations as we have. A dialogue like this
will be completely trivial for them.
Nice test too. The meaning of LOfe is recreation.
Morty Lefkoe wrote:
> About a year ago I contributed several messages about barriers to change
> and how to eliminate them. I haven't made any contributions in the past
> year or so (although I try to read as many of the contributions as I can)
> because I've been spending most of my time in California training
> psychotherapists how to produce rapid and permanent behavior change. In
> fact, there is so much interest out here that my family and I have decided
> to move from Connecticut to the San Francisco Bay Area this summer.
--With kind regards - met vriendelijke groeten,
Jan Lelie
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