Replying to LO28020 --
Dear Organlearners,
Andrew Campbell < > writes:
>5:12 Dz-gung said, If I do not wish others to do
>something to me, I wish not to do it to them. The
>Master said, Sz, this is not what you can come
>up to. [5:11]
>commentary: This is the oldest appearance of the
>"Golden Rule" in world literature.
Greetings dear Andrew,
I wonder. The book Job is much older. Job's problem was that he was
convinced that he lived according to the Golden Rule -- and yet every
possible affiction struck at him. Job kept on accusing God to have caused
it all. Until the young Elihu pointed out to Job that he was judging the
wicked so much that it caused all his afflictions. Do not judge lest to be
judged by others.
Any way, I will begin to look out for the oldest articalation in
>This Golden Rule is identical with the era of the
>Han silk route. It stands for (Jewish Tradition)
>the intuitive in religion against ritualism.
Interesting comment. The Han dynasty in China lasted from two centuries BC
to two centuries AC. It is no wonder that some people claim that Jesus (to
whom the BC and AC refer) paid secret visits to China.
>Love in Confusionism
I love that one!
With care and best wishes
--At de Lange <> Snailmail: A M de Lange Gold Fields Computer Centre Faculty of Science - University of Pretoria Pretoria 0001 - Rep of South Africa
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