Dz-gung LO28020

Date: 03/20/02

Dear Learners,

5:12 Dz-gung said, If I do not wish others to do something to me, I wish
not to do it to them. The Master said, Sz, this is not what you can come
up to. [5:11]

commentary: This is the oldest appearance of the "Golden Rule" in world
literature. Dz-gung is being told by the Master that the maxim by which he
claims to live is in fact beyond his ability. It is said to be the "very
ground of community" the most basic moral precept. Note that it is not a
saying of Confucius (Master) and appealing exclusively (to) the "feelings"
with a basis in "desire" imply an origin outside the Analects (disciples
of Confucius) itself. It perhaps originated among the Mician or some other
segment of what is known as "the little people" ;-) * "(my smiley;-)

It appears once more some eighty years later as,

Jung-gung asks about rvn. The Master said, He leaves the gate as though he
were meeting an important person, he uses the people as though he were
assisting in a great sacrifice. What he himself does not want, let him not
do it to others. In the state he will have no resentment, in the family he
will have no resentment. Jung-gung said, Though Yung is not quick, he begs
to devote himself to this saying.

commentary: Denial of quickness is a form of respect to the teacher, who
controls every stage of learning process. Confucius used to ask more.
Attitudes proper to court ceremony are the model for secular bureaucratic
and personnel functions. rvn dissolves into li but here still retains the
"otherness" of rvn. This Golden Rule is identical with the era of the Han
silk route. It stands for (Jewish Tradition) the intuitive in religion
against ritualism. It is in the end, at bottom, a prescription for every
aspect of life and work: a lateral maxim and not a hierarchical
injunction: an "otherness" self corrective for society.

    Brooks and Brooks, Columbia

Love in Confusionism



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