Replying to LO28050
Hello Michael:
At 16:25 22-03-2002, wrote:
>There is a good book though that was recently published on transformations
>that I found interesting. I am biased because the book talks about
>transformations in a way that I relate, and have found to be true over the
>years. The book is titled "Good to Great" by Jim Collins amazon ref.
I haven't read Collins' book, but from your description, I think that the
findings are much similar to de Geus' "The Living Company" that I have
summarized in
Some similarities: due to the research criteria Coolins happens to talk
about "long living" companies (more that 30 years old). De Geus' research
was explicitly about long living companies (more that 75 years old).
I think that if a company is able to survive and prosper for a long period
one can conclude that it is able to learn and adapt... It may not be clear
how those companies got to be learning companies, but one can be sure that
they REALLY are LOs...
Also some of the characteristics you have summarized are "similar" to the
ones of de Geus'. I have not the time right now to do a detailed
comparison. Please check my summary and let me know if you also find the
similarities - or if I am wrong.
--"Artur F. Silva" <>
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