Replying to LO28057 --
I am reasonably certain of the following things:
- the world will demand that alongside quarterly numbers big businesses
are transparently audited according to the integity of their relationship
value (exchange) to stakeholders
- the world won't be worth my 5-year old daughter's generation inheriting
if that demand isnt made NOW whilst we all see how systematically careless
the world's big 5 measuremnt firms have become ( by which I mean not even
having the minimum connectivity understanding: that one rotten client
relationship could destroy their whole value system)
- understanding everything we can find on win-win , win-lose, lose-lose
will need to be at the heart of relationship auditing
- once relationship auditing standards start to be mapped, the world will
require all potential board members of global 1000 companies to take a
driving test in systems theory before they ever reach such powerful
- some of what we need as the minimum standard of relationship mapping
appears here
we are hoping to rapidly develop a web around which anyone who cares about
relationship measurement and quality standards can co-manage content
contributions; once that is up I will tell you where that is as I am
certain the learning organisation community knows more in its gut about
valuing relationship than other p[rofessions or practices
chris macrae,
> Reading some of the references on At's recent Google list (in LO27997)
> connected a couple of things in my mind:
> I remember some time ago reading that in a marriage, quarrels will always
> have either a win-win or lose-lose outcome. In the short term, one party
> may feel like a winner and the other like a loser, but the result of such
> an outcome will be damaging to the marriage.
--"chris macrae" <>
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