HRD Role in Learning Organizations LO28092

From: Swan, Steve R (Contractor) (
Date: 03/28/02

Replying to LO28067 --

It would be nice to know where this message came from:

A student asks me:

"But the problem is that I know what a leaning organization is and why is
essential but what I don't know is how exactly HRD would help in developing
one. As it is, HRD takes care of providing various competencies to people
but what special role or models it would have so that it can help in the
same endeavor..."

The message copy I got did not contain header info what would let me see the

I am about to complete my course work in an Ed.D., in a program for
supervision of human resource development. I am fairly sure my
dissertation will be related to organizational learning, the learning
organization, and the formation of "one" using HRD as a primary

[Host's Note: I didn't include the student's contact info... In general, I
do not publish anyone's email address on the LO list without their
permission. ..Rick]


"Swan, Steve R (Contractor)" <>

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