I was asked:
>I am doing a Management Information Systems at the College of the
>Bahamas, my final project requires me to do a leadership skills
>audit. If possible would you, please send an
>e-mail of what a leadership skills audit is surpose to look like,
>so that I can see how it is done.
I replied:
>I don't have a sample leadership skills audit.
>If you are going to create one, have you thought about the process? I
>think it would go something like this:
> - create a list of the skills/competencies in leadership that you
>believe are important in your organization
> - create a survey instrument to measure the extent to which these
>skills are present
>Both tasks involve big challenges.
>Good luck with your project.
Can anyone on the LO list add more to this?
-=- Rick
--Richard Karash <Richard@Karash.com>
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