Definitions of systems LO28095

From: Bob Williams (
Date: 03/28/02

Hi there,

I post this request with enormous reluctance since it must have been asked
and answered so many times. Unfortunately I can't find it in my own

I want to generate some discussion about the notion of a "system" at a
workshop I'm running next week. I thought it would be a good idea to
circulate a dozen or so "classic" definitions of "system" and get people
to compare and contrast them. Somewhat to my surprise I can't find any.
Indeed I can find few actual definitions. Unfortunately I'm all half a
world away from my books and references, so very dependent on the 'net.

So does anyone have a neat list. I want them to be as diverse (and
hopefully contradictory) as possible. I'd also like the original source -
the original source is important to the exercise.

Many thanks



BOB WILLIAMS Check out the free resources on my WEB site Phone Number until the end of April (44) 1865 554 708

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