Definitions of systems LO28112

From: D P Dash (
Date: 03/29/02

Replying to LO28095 --

On 'system', some definitions I like:

The thermodynamics definition: Thermodynamic System: A three dimensional
region of space bounded by arbitrary surfaces (which may be real or
imaginary and may change size or shape) which delineate the portion of the
universe we are interested in (studying).

The mathematical definition: Systems of equations: Two or more equations
that are conditions imposed simultaneously on all the variables, but may or
may not have common solutions. (e.g., x + y = 2, and 3x + 2y = 5).

A system is a set of variables sufficiently isolated to stay discussable
while we discuss it.
W. R. Ashby (1903-1972),

Any definable set of components. (Maturana & Varela)

A system is a set of elements dynamically interacting and organized in
relation to a goal (J. de ROSNAY)

And finally, the etymology:
from 'syn-' [together] + root of 'histanai' [cause to stand], therefore,
set of correlated principles, facts, ideas, etc. This 'histanai' relates to
the Indo-European 'sta', which in Sanskrit becomes the root verb 'sthaa',
meaning to stand or stay somewhere; 'sthaana' is a place, from which,
perhaps, Hindustan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. So, etymologically, a
'system' is that which 'stays together' under a set of disturbances and is



"D P Dash" <>

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