Definitions of systems LO28114

From: Rick Parkany (
Date: 03/30/02

Replying to LO28105 --

Several systems thinkers, I among them, resist the idea that teleology in
sytstems is a necessary condition (think in terms of meteorology: Thank
GOD! for this respite from central NYS lingering winters into springs...).

Their point seems to be that often systemic organization often occurs
without *purpose*, they emerge from non-systemic organizations as a
result, often of self-adaptation that occurs on a scale beneath the
cognitive, that occurs on a tacit dimension, and without *planning* or
*design*--at least upon *primate sytems*... ;-} rap. wrote:

> Dr. W.Edwards Deming, "Out of the Crisis" and his book "The New
> Economics". The definition I use in my quality classes came from Dr.
> Deming. I'm not sure I am quoting exactly but over the years I continue
> to use this definition.
> "A system is a set of interdependent components that work together to
> accomplish the aim of the system."


"Dein Wachstum sei feste und lache vor Lust! Deines Herzens Trefflichkeit Hat dir selbst das Feld bereit', Auf dem du bluehen musst." JS Bach: Bauern Kantata Richard A. Parkany: SUNY@Albany Prometheus Educational Services Upper Hudson & Mohawk Valleys; New York State, USA

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