INSTANTES ( Moments )
If I could live my life again.
Next time, I would try to make more mistakes.
I wouldn't try to be so perfect; I would relax more.
I would be crazier than I have been,
and I would take few things seriously.
I would be less clean/healthy
I would run more risks, would take more trips,
would contemplate more sunsets,
would climb more mountains,
would swim more rivers.
I would go more places I have never been,
I would eat more ice cream and beans,
I would have more real problems and fewer imaginary ones.
I was one of those people who lived sensibly and busily
every minute of life.
Of course I had moments of happiness.
But if I went back, I would try to have only good moments.
In case you don't know; that is what life is made of,
only of moments; don't lose the now/moment.
I was one of those that never went anywhere without a
thermometer, a bag of hot water, a umbrella,
and a first aid kit.
If I would live again, I would travel lighter.
If I would live again, I would begin to walk barefoot at
the beginning of spring and continue until the end of fall.
I would make more outings in calesita,
I would contemplate more dawns, and would play with
more children, if I again had life in front of me.
But you see, I have 85 years and I know I'm dying.
Jorge Luis Borges
Argentine poet born in 1899
Warm regards,
John Dicus
--John Dicus | CornerStone Consulting Associates - Leadership - Systems Thinking - Teamwork - Open Space - Electric Maze - 2761 Stiegler Road, Valley City, OH 44280 800-773-8017 | 330-725-2728 (2729 fax) |
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