Theoretically Perfect LO - Part I LO28117

From: John Dicus (
Date: 03/30/02

Re: LO28110
>My question is: Does anyone know of a large, successful, profitable
>organization that is a theoretically perfect LO? I think I know the
>answer. (Ed Heinrich)

Dear LO group, I'd like to put my thinking alongside Ed's. To kinda let it
hang there.

Large: The US of A.
How about small?: My family.

- Always becoming what we want/need to be.
- Always desiring to become.
- Always able to become (free, responsible, with opportunity).
- Holding rich memories, beautiful and ugly.
- Being eternally grateful for the blessing of today.
- Dreaming of tomorrow, in this world and the one to come.
- Balancing passion and responsibility.
- Enormously profitable (if the "bottom" line is allowed to contain
community, relationships, and meaning).
- Forgiving.
- Caring.
- Loving.
- Hoping.
- Bold.
- Sticking together under fire.
- Room for all.
- Not without rules, but structured for freedom.
- Graceful.
- Willing to pay the price of peace (which can be higher than the price of
- As perfect as anything on and of this beautiful earth has, is, and
probably ever will be.

A LO is not a "thing" or a "state." It is a way, a process, a path.

When I get in a funky mood and feel that things are not so good, I stop
and reflect. If I could wave a magic wand and have anything I want, I
realize I really don't want or need anything. I have everything. I have
the opportunity to get what I need -- to be what I need. At the least,
what I have is more than I may deserve.

I'll never forget Mikhail Gorbachev looking me in the eye through my
television and challenging me. He said that present day Americans may
take for granted the precious gift placed in their laps by the founding
fathers (& mothers?). That is, we have the process and the freedom to
always become what we want and need to be.

There are "perfect" LO's all around us. Everywhere. All the new theories
or programs in the world will never address the timeless responsibility we
each have to respect one another, and to honor and learn from our

Brian Andreas (see
   "What do I get for this? I said & the angel
    gave me a catalog filled with toasters & clock
    radios & a basketball signed by Michael Jordan
    & I said, But this is just stuff & the angel smiled
    at me & swallowed me in her arms. I'm so glad
    you said that, she whispered to me. I knew you
    still had a chance."

This is where I am this morning. Where are you?

Take care,

John Dicus


John Dicus | CornerStone Consulting Associates - Leadership - Systems Thinking - Teamwork - Open Space - Electric Maze - 2761 Stiegler Road, Valley City, OH 44280 800-773-8017 | 330-725-2728 (2729 fax) |

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