Replying to LO28090 --
Response to: Developing, creating, sustaining a learning organization is
the responsibility of line management, of the leaders of an organization.
In the theoretical ideal this is true, and should be true in reality, but
my experience is that in reality it is not. Line and Senior Managers in
today's Corporation's "Run the Business", they are too overworked
planning, budgeting, keeping the client happy/interfacing, etc. to be
actively involved in LO activities, other than sponsoring and supporting.
But, the sponsoring and supporting is critical, for without it, there
definitely will be no LO. Many managers do support the LO concept, but
they want it to happen with minimal involvement on their part and at
minimal costs. This is where HRD gets involved, "make it happen within
those constraints", the endless quest for the LO then begins... This is
not the theoretically perfect development of the LO, but it is much better
than an organization that does not pursue the LO goal/activities at all.
My question is: Does anyone know of a large, successful, profitable
organization that is a theoretically perfect LO? I think I know the
Ed Heinrich, MBA
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