Replying to LO28102 --
An interesting thought rather economically oriented. Like most economic
terms such as "productivity" they have little connection to what that
means in my business. I wonder how your definition "sits" with Senge?
For me a system is simply the organization or order of a process that has
purpose. Intent implies consciousness which I don't have too much trouble
with since I believe everything has something like that. But belief is
not the point and so I would give up intent in order to discuss this in a
Western pedagogical mode. But purpose is different. Purpose means that
the end of the process is predictable and repeatable. Music has endless
systems and the articulation & symbolization of those systems is
structure. Systems exist, like mental models, while structure is the human
organization in thought or in symbols of the system. I call that
comprehension. The fourth element of this is Performance which is based
upon "knowledge" or an instantaneous response in action to the symbols.
Like reading music for example. Comprehension of structure
(understanding) makes the reading have an interpretation (dialogue) while
the knowledge of the system itself allows the function of human memory of
the order of events in time. The fifth element is Schoen's reflection in
action which means that you can think while you are interpreting and in
dialogue with your audience or partner while you interpret the system.
Whether conversation in the cafe or from a concert hall stage, the ability
to interpret, make the form clear and dialogue based upon the audience's
comprehension responses is the stuff of what I do and teach. It is also
the way I understand David Bohm, Donald Schoen, Peter Senge and John
Warfield as an artist/teacher.
Hope this makes sense. It is just something that I do (in performance)
and teach other performers. I don't write it out very often and it looks
a little dense to me.
Ray Evans Harrell, Artistic Director
The Magic Circle Opera Repertory Ensemble and Training, Inc.
> Note: Many authors talk about systems having a purpose. That is, the
> system produces something. I greatly prefer to talk about "excess result"
> rather than "purpose" because when we say "purpose" most people understand
> this as having something to do with intent. Many systems have arisen
> without any intentional design.
--"Ray Evans Harrell" <>
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