Complexity List LO28128

From: chris macrae (
Date: 03/31/02

Replying to LO28120 --

Alan , complexity isnt my favourite word in a territory of neighbouring
ideas that now seems to have at least 50 different terms. However, these
are some of the links which I believe complexity/simplicity experts
configure around :

 - resolution of paradoxes, or of conflicting management systems ( my
hobby horse is how we have a trillion dollar industry accounting quarterly
numbers but none representing value of stakeholder relationships - is it
simple or complex that one of the 5 biggest monopolies certified to count
numbers has now imploded all its value because it didnt realise one rotten
client relationship could destroy the value of its relationships with all
stakeholders? - conflict: the number one rule for organising transparent
relationships turns out to be the opposite of the number 1 rule for
maximising short-term transactions, yet business has measurably
monopolised the culture of the latter... has it not?)

 - systemic problems which cause analysis in parts rather than resolution
in whole; one book on complexity suggested that unless an organisation has
an overall alignment around an unique and deep human care, vicious
monetizing parts will always takeover from virtuous whole

 - how the economics of most intangible things that drive productivity in
connected/network economy is opposite to that of the prior economy, but
structurally all the greatest corporate powers are liable to have cultural
biases towards the old economy; as do all the professionals who consult
and certify them; unlearning outdated vested interests is quite complex
especially when professions are certified to offer precisely that

 - As a sanity check of complexity: I would probably suggest starting with
Bill Jensen's - refreshingly natural as one who seeks
to demystify complexity and argue where human common sense wants the
organisation of work to boldly go. Oh, and where cultures meet conflict
resolution try - what they do is definitely not
bullshit for anyone who needs to try to work global & local

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> I spoke to you earlier about the Complexity List. I'm afraid I have to
> say I still don't comprehend the basics. I suggest the idea of regarding
> management to be complex seems silly. I managed laboratories performing
> advanced scientific work for about thirty years, and found a risk
> management approach advantageous. Simply preparing policy and procedure
> manuals and allowing staff to 'self-manage', seemed to remove most complex
> situations, and the necessity for 'ad hoc' decisions.


"chris macrae" <>

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