Complexity List LO28120

From: Alan Cotterell (
Date: 03/30/02

I spoke to you earlier about the Complexity List. I'm afraid I have to
say I still don't comprehend the basics. I suggest the idea of regarding
management to be complex seems silly. I managed laboratories performing
advanced scientific work for about thirty years, and found a risk
management approach advantageous. Simply preparing policy and procedure
manuals and allowing staff to 'self-manage', seemed to remove most complex
situations, and the necessity for 'ad hoc' decisions.

I notice in particular XYZ working as a consultant in the area of
complexity management. What is he selling? Is this stuff all bullshit?
I have received a bit of flack from him from time to time. Many of the
postings on the list proclaim a 'new way of management thinking', what am
I missing? I also notice that XYZ talks in code. There is obviously a
'newspeak' which goes with this new science, I am not privy to it.

[Host's Note: I'm glad you are raising this, Alan. You named a specific
individual; I've substituted "XYZ" for the name because I think that will
facilitate our discussion here. ..Rick]

Best Regards,
Alan Cotterell


"Alan Cotterell" <>

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