Leadership Skills Audit LO28662

From: Don Dwiggins (dond@advancedmp.com)
Date: 06/04/02

Replying to LO28093 --

Richard Karash writes in LO28093:
>> I don't have a sample leadership skills audit.
>> If you are going to create one, have you thought about the process? I
>> think it would go something like this:
>> - create a list of the skills/competencies in leadership that you
>> believe are important in your organization
>> - create a survey instrument to measure the extent to which these
>> skills are present
>> Both tasks involve big challenges.

and Ross Wirth writes in LO28189:
> Given his field of study and his circumstances, I would
> recommend he use one of the existing instruments to guide his leadership
> audit. One possibility is the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) by
> Kouzes & Posner. It is available from amazon.com, bn.com, and Josey-Bass'
> web site. The LPI also has good linkage to their book, The Leadership
> Challenge, which provides insight into problem areas.

In creating or selecting an instrument, I'd suggest what Luke Hohmann
calls "future perfect thinking". Imagine a situation in which you've
developed (or selected) an instrument and used it successfully. What
would that situation be like? In what sense was it successful? How would
you have gotten there? What problems arose, and how were they addressed?

I'd also suggest doing this for two very different uses of such an audit,
and considering what the differences would be in the nature of the
instruments created/chosen.

Happy hunting,


Don Dwiggins "In preparing for battle d.l.dwiggins@computer.org I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable." -- Dwight D. Eisenhower

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