CUX Knowledge Management Survey - An Invitation to Participate LO28663

From: Matt Panetta (
Date: 06/04/02

Dear Knowledge Worker:
Corporate University Xchange (CUX), a New York-based corporate education
research and consulting firm, invites you to complete a short survey on
the topic of knowledge management. The survey should take no longer than
20 minutes. To access the survey, simply click on the URL below. We
thank you in advance for your participation.
Have a great day and please don't hesitate to contact CUX with any
questions. We ask that you please try and complete the survey by June
28th, 2002.

Research Dept.
Corporate University Xchange, Inc.
381 Park Avenue South, Suite 713
New York, NY 10016
(212) 213-2828 - Voice
(212) 213-8621 - Fax


Matt Panetta <>

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