Why Training and Consultancy still do not work? LO28730

From: systhinc (systhinc@msn.com)
Date: 06/21/02

Replying to LO28684 --

Why, indeed. Dennis speaks of 'silver bullets' I call it 'instant
pudding' in either phrase the ring is hollow the bell calls us not to
dinner but to a longer hunger.

We have, however, a silver something, not a bullet to destroy all evil,
but perhaps, a silver pudding, not instant. It is organizational learning
methodology (not philosophy At.......)

We have Personal Mastery by which we affirm continuous improvement of mind
and spirit; Mental Models by which we continously question our own beliefs
and substitute for them with real knowledge; we have Shared Values/Visions
with which we communicate and reaffirm in each other that our goal is our
next gift, that of Team Learning which inturn allows us to see that which
is the System of which we are Thinking.

Using these in conjunction with good problem solving and process
improvement methodologies such as 8D; DMAIC; DMAVD; will make for the
power to change an organization.

John Zavacki

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up
where I intended to be." -Douglas Adams


"systhinc" <systhinc@msn.com>

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