Replying to LO28730 --
I have often talked to my wife and soulmate about this issue. There is a
role for idealism in business but it must be mixed with a strong dose of
pragmatism if it is to be effective. When most people have a goal of
returning home from work without emotional bruises, it is difficult to
remain optimistic about changing things in a major way.
Where the changes have had effect, I have usually held an internal
executive position, empowered by the CEO and aided by an able internal
credible change agent. OTOH, in my current role, the job at hand is
fundamentally simpler, but the need to remain "fresh" in our collective
desire for excellence remains a challenge for the whole management team.
I guess I have become an adherent to chaos theory in its insistence that
all systems will eventually erode and settle toward the lowest common
denominator unless constantly pressed upward by a driving force in
direction and support from above.
K.C. Cowan - CEO - eXcape - 604.453.5607
--"Cowan, Keith" <>
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