Learning Org Team-
While reading The Fifth Discipline, pg 128, Senge describes the common
problem of managers struggling with too much information. I agree with
the 'information problem' in the sense that we all receive too much
information and time is wasted everyday filtering out what is relevant to
our specific work needs.
In addition to receiving too much information, my work team also struggles
with the inability to OBTAIN specific information necessary to perform
work functions. I work for a large wireless carrier and we waste valuable
work time everyday searching our company intranet, placing calls and
emails to company contacts, and 'guessing' where the required information
may be. There are so many different divisions of the company and all have
information which is relevant to our sales team. We know it resides in our
company somewhere, and become frustrated trying to continually locate it.
With less time being applied towards important work activities, our daily
results suffer and morale declines as we continue to be less productive.
This problem of obtaining information within a large company is one I am
currently struggling with as I continually think about how to improve my
work environment. The company is so large and my position is so small that
I honestly don't think I will be able to change the structure as a whole.
But I welcome your feedback and look forward to studying your
recommendations on how large companies can design internal information
flow systems to allow information to be readily accessible to those who
need it. This will help me to design a good informational structure on a
local level.
I appreciate your input.
-Craig Wickenberg
Santa Barbara, CA
--"Craig Wickenberg" <craigwickenberg@hotmail.com>
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