Replying to LO28864 --
Greetings Craig & fellow Orglearners
Thank you for your post. Having read Senge's book some years ago, I
thought to myself that nothing had changed since entering the workforce
back in the late 60's (20th century, i.e.). These days, there is so much
information overload experienced within the majority of organizations,
that we appear to have become "prisoners of our own advanced
I feel that as jobs are transformed through executive intervention and
responses to environmental changes, there is a tendency to route
information through many streams within an organization. It would be
imprudent for me to suggest why this is done or if "hidden agendas' exist
but the result is that teams tend to take on a defensive role in dealing
with organizational information whilst trying to carry out their normal
work duties. Teams should be more aggressive in setting up their own local
knowledge management systems so they can continue to function effectively
without having to spend over 50% of their daily work routine in dealing
with obscure and often redundant data.
Once the team can improve the information filtration process, improved
productivity hopefully should flow. Then the rest of the organization will
need to be restructured in order to avoid an information melt down
However, given the size of your organization and perceived past
experiences, the latter may take some to implement.
I wish you well in your endeavours.
May the force be with you.
Kind regards,
Glebe Stcherbina
Sydney, Australia
Craig Wickenberg wrote:
> In addition to receiving too much information, my work team also struggles
> with the inability to OBTAIN specific information necessary to perform
> work functions. I work for a large wireless carrier and we waste valuable
> work time everyday searching our company intranet, placing calls and
> emails to company contacts, and 'guessing' where the required information
> may be. There are so many different divisions of the company and all have
> information which is relevant to our sales team. We know it resides in our
> company somewhere, and become frustrated trying to continually locate it.
> With less time being applied towards important work activities, our daily
> results suffer and morale declines as we continue to be less productive.
--Glebe Stcherbina <>
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