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Collaborating for Competitive Advantage!
13th Annual International Conference on Work Teams
September 23-25, 2002 — Dallas, Texas
Register by August 30 to receive a $100 discount on your registration fee.
The Center for the Study of Work Teams at the University of North Texas is
sponsoring its 13th Annual International Conference on Work Teams in
Dallas, Texas on September 23 – 25, 2002. This conference is the largest
and most comprehensive event of its kind!
Join leading practitioners and colleagues from around the world and
discover the benefits of Collaborating for Competitive Advantage. The
conference will showcase how collaboration enables companies to flourish
in today’s changing global economy by improving quality, increasing
productivity, reducing costs, and accelerating the speed at which they
innovate and deliver products.
Attend and have the opportunity to select from over 60 different sessions
– including 90-minute presentations, panel presentations, team
presentations, and 3-hour workshops (including featured author workshops).
This conference also features three keynote sessions, optional
post-conference sessions, special sessions, exhibits, and excellent
networking opportunities!
* * * * * * * *
For more information, see the Center's website
or call 940-565-3096 for a brochure.
Melanie Bullock
Director E-Learning & Publications
Center for the Study of Work Teams
University of North Texas
--"Melanie Bullock" <>
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