Replying to LO28920 --
Cotterell: How muddling this is agreeing with half and probably
disagreeing with the other half
Perhaps the way this mathematician would cut through this wool is first to
separate two things:
1) If what you are modelling doesnt have human beings in it, statistical
models are often to be applauded merely for scientific precision
2) If the value you are modelling is human relationship connected, dont
let a profession do that (especially not with computers and excel
death-by-numbers) unless they cherish the people in the system and who the
organisation serves (especially the weaker ones the org serves or those in
most desperate need, always assuming that the organisational exchnage has
enough unique value to flow positively and to promote such discretions),
NOT their own professional self-interests
Now if you will click to and look to the right of the
map; you make arguments about trade unions who put up employee wages
resulting in job cuts. Sure, we need an open book map that clarifies the
system over relationship time periods and the confliicts between different
stakeholder demands, and that's the second system of corporate governace
that Transparency friends are building (whether we'll do it in time, I
dont know)
But any organisation starts turning vicious - ultimately to the
destruction of all of its value-capabilities - when it becomes the hostage
of one too-powerful stakeholder branch; and clearly numbers-men and all
those who profited most from short-termism have become that oh too
powerful branch governing many organisations - and the truth is that
anyone who is invested in that organisation beyound the short-term is
going to find more and more of what they value destroyed
That is the unwrit crime of the transparency crisis impacting a lot of
corporate America and stsok-market driven companies today
chris macrae
>From: "Alan Cotterell" <>
> I believe I agree with the statements you made when taken in the context
> of Management By Objectives. I do not agree when taken in a Risk
> Management context.
[...snip by your host...]
--"Chris MACRAE" <>
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