Replying to LO28925 --
Chris, In another forum mention was made of the separation of management
and ownership and its consequences. Personally I have now substantially
retired and I refuse to work for a boss ever again. I am sick and tired
of contending with self-serving, cynical, hypocrites.
The discussion we were having about the use of numbers, is made against an
industrial backgroung which includes these idiots.
As a mathematician, you know numbers can be made to say anything.
However when you critically examine the data presented at many management
meetings, in the light of accepted statistical techniques, you will agree
that the conclusions drawn in many instances are erroneous or unjustified
on the basis of the sample size taken.
I suggest the whole situation depends on our sense of direction, and our
motivation. The answer lies in establishing requirements for determining
competence in managers. How many managers have you met who have actually
been trained to manage? Having a tool such as MS Excel doesn't mean you
know what to do with it!
Best Regards,
Alan Cotterell
--"Alan Cotterell" <>
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