Replying to LO29447 --
Andrew and Chris,
The many mentions of paradoxical items, such as...
> a painted bottle
> containing crystal iodine, which is a topical healing agent and a poison
> if taken internally
...recalls the conversations I had with W.J.J. Gordon about his
"synectics" thinking, and his view that every idea contains at its core a
Up and down the ladder of abstraction, we find dualism abounds.
I believe I read once that the Egyptians believed that life was defined as
"the ability to react," and so, stone could have life, because it could
react to the chisel, to the rain, to wind. Let me fabricate a paradoxical
phrase or two, then:
immutable transformation
bricks of degeneration
chiseled solidity
And to yours:
healing poison
Think of the endless paradox contained within us humans!
Profane sanctity
Sacred profanity
Deadly good
unconscious conscience?
Warm best wishes,
-- Barry Mallis The Organizational Trainer 110 Arch St., #27 Keene, NH 03431-2167 USA voice: 603 352-5289 FAX: 603 357-2157 cell: 603 313-3636 email: theorgtrainer@earthlink.netLearning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
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