Replying to LO29587 --
So sorry for the Doppleganger < blush >...
...but HERE is the link to the PowerPoint Representation of The Dialectics
of Critical Pedagogy and Action Research (see in-line, cc'd, below) that I
proposed in my last to this thread. The link in the MSWord doc is for a
CD-ROM version of it I have published... ;-} rap.
The Dialectics of Critical Pedagogy and Action Research (PowerPoint Overview):
[Please note that the main Table of Contents on the right frame is the
best for navigating, as this form of the Overview has two decks and the
links on the cards MAY NOT get you BACK to the LAST card viewed, as in
most this case, hitting HOME key will take you to a study I
conducted in an on-line teacher-preparation course I teach for SUNY LN,
and which was a pilot for my dissertation, using this rationale]
Rick Parkany wrote:
> Indeed, Folks: I have been working on a rationale for action research from the perspective
> of the reflective practitioner. I use a critical theoretic framework (after the Frankfurt
> School: Marcus, Freire, Greene, & Giroux) to found a dialectic of moral action (after Fuerbach
> & Engles rather than the one of ideology after Hegel & Marx), whereby ontology and epistemology
> (worlding and knowing) are mediated by moral activity.
--"Dein Wachstum sei feste und lache vor Lust! Deines Herzens Trefflichkeit Hat dir selbst das Feld bereit', Auf dem du bluehen musst." JS Bach: Bauern Kantata Richard A. Parkany: SUNY@Albany Prometheus Educational Services Upper Hudson & Mohawk Valleys; New York State, USA
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