Call for Papers Management and Oganization Review LO30335

From: Warne Verity (
Date: 06/27/03

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Please see attached call for papers for the forthcoming journal Management and Organization Review, edited by Anne S. Tsui.
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New to Blackwell Publishing in 2005

Official Journal of The International Association for Chinese Management Research
Sponsored by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Beijing University

Management and Organization Review (MOR) is dedicated to advancing global knowledge on Management and organizations. We aim to publish innovative research contributing to Management knowledge in three domains:
• Fundamental research in management
• International and comparative management
• Chinese management, including research on the management and organization of Chinese companies and multinational companies operating in China.

MOR seeks creative, context-rich theorizing, whether derived inductively or deductively, as well as studies that rigorously test existing theories. MOR encourages variety. We invite indigenous, cross cultural, and comparative research on traditional and non-traditional topics. We welcome studies using conventional as well as innovative research methods. For papers that are not China specific and if appropriate, we encourage authors to discuss or speculate about the implications of their theories and findings for research in the Chinese context.

MOR’s editors ask these questions of each manuscript: does it fall in our domain; does it offer fresh insights; is it methodologically competent; and is it persuasive, that is, does the evidence or logic substantiate the conclusions?


If you would like to submit a manuscript to Management and Organization Review please contact Anne S. Tsui at

For full instructions for authors, visit

Daniel R. Ames
Bruce Avolio
Ann-Renée Blais
John Child
Mary Ann Von Glinow
Douglas Guthrie
Michael Hitt
Yadong Luo
Fred Luthans
James G. March
Marshall M. Meyer
Victor Nee
Claudia B. Schoonhoven
Elke U. Weber
Sheldon Zedeck
Zueguang Zhou

Anne S Tsui, Arizona State University and HK University of Science and Technology
Also distinguished Professor at Peking University


Yanjie Bian, HK University of Science and Technology
John Child, University of Birmingham
Joseph Galaskiewicz, University of Arizona
Yadong Luo, University of Miami
Marshall Meyer, University of Pennsylvania
Michael Morris, Columbia University


Jiing-Lih Farh, HK University of Science and Technology
Oded Shenkar, Ohio State University
Zhong-Ming Wang, Zhejiang University
Patrick Wright, Cornell University


Paul Beamish, University of Western Ontario
K C Chan, HK University of Science and Technology
Angelo DeNisi, Texas A&M University
P Christopher Earley, Indiana University
Michael Hitt, Arizona State University
Chung-Ming Lau, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Thomas Lee, University of Washington
Arie Lewin, Duke University
Victor Nee, Cornell University
Nan Lin, Duke University
Fred Luthans, University of Nebraska
George Milkovich, Cornell University
Richard Mowday, University of Oregon
Lyman W Porter, University of California
Gordon Redding, INSEAD
Denise Rousseau, Carnegie Mellon University
Claudia Bird Schoonhoven, University of California, Irvine
W Richard Scott, Stanford University
Barry Staw, University of California, Berkeley
Andrew Walder, Stanford University
Malcolm Warner, University of Cambridge
David A Whetten, Brigham Young University
Kuo-Shu Yang, National Taiwan University
Weiying Zhang, Peking University


Soon Ang, Nanyang Technological University
Neal Ashkanasy, University of Queensland
Ingmar Bjorkman, Swedish School of Economics
Max Boisot, The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Brian Boyd, Arizona State University
Daniel Brass, University of Kentucky
Jeanne Brett, Northwestern University
Darius Chan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Georgia Chao, Michigan State University
Chao Chen, Rutgers University
Xiao-Ping Chen, University of Washington
Yaru Chen, New York University
Bor-Shiuan Cheng, National Taiwan University
Tailan Chi, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Andrew Delios, National University of Singapore
Gregory Dess, University of Texas, Dallas
George Graen, Louisiana State University
Ranjay Gulati, Northwestern University
Douglas Guthrie, New York University
John Henley, The University of Edinburgh
Robert Hoskisson, Oklahoma University
Christopher Hsee, University of Chicago
Chun Hui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Harry Hui, University of Hong Kong
Lisa Keister, Ohio State University
Barbara Krug, Erasmus University
Simon Lam, University of Hong Kong
Kenneth Law, HK University of Science and Technology
Kwok Leung, City University of Hong Kong
David Li, HK University of Science and Technology
J. T. Li, HK University of Science and Technology
Jar-Der Luo, Yang-Ze University, Taiwan
Shige Makino, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
James Meindl, State University of New York at Buffalo
Keith Murnighan, Northwestern University
Sam Park, CEIBS/Rutgers University
Kaiping Peng, University of California, Berkeley
Mike W Peng, Ohio State University
David Ralston, University of Oklahoma
Jan Selmer, Hong Kong Baptist University
Justin Tan, Creighton University
Nancy Brandon Tuma, Stanford University
Lois Tetrick, University of Houston
Dean Tjosvold, Lingnan University
Mary Ann Von Glinow, Florida International University
James Walsh, University of Michigan
Yijiang Wang, University of Minnesota
Steven White, INSEAD
Robert Wood, Australian Graduate School of Management
Jia Lin Xie, University of Toronto
Katherine Xin, CEIBS/HK University of Science and Tech.
Aimin Yan, Boston University
Zhi-Xue Zhang, Peking University
Shuming Zhao, Nanjing University
Jing Zhou, Texas A&M University
Xueguang Zhou, Duke University


The International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) was founded in 2002. Its aims are to:

1 Provide a forum for exchange of ideas and experience among researchers about management research in the Chinese context.
2 Facilitate international collaboration between management researchers around the globe.
3 Promote the development of management research capabilities IN and ON China.

A subscription to Management and Organization Review is included in the 2005 membership fee of IACMR.
To join IACMR, please visit or email


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