Understanding 'The New Knowledge Management' LO30342

From: Mark W. McElroy (mmcelroy@vermontel.net)
Date: 07/09/03

Dear Friends:
Having been asked so often to provide an explanation of what makes 'The
New Knowledge Management' so new and different from existing or old
conceptions of the subject, I finally sat down and wrote a paper that
describes the idea in detail. For those of you interested in 'serious
KM,' I am pleased to make this paper available to you on my website at the
following URL:
In a nutshell, 'The New KM' is the first and only school of KM predicated
on fallibilism, or the view that humans are irreparably fallible with
respect to their knowledge. This stands in stark contrast with all other
prevailing forms of first- and second-generation KM, which are largely
based on justificationism, or the view that knowledge can be known with
certainty (e.g., the 'justified true belief' position). Having taken the
opposite position, 'The New KM' has radically different and unique
implications for practice when compared to what usually passes for KM
strategies and implementations these days.
I'd welcome any feedback, comments, or questions, as well as the
opportunity to strike up a separate thread of discussion on this subject.
Mark W. McElroy
Macroinnovation Associates, LLC
(802) 436-2250

[Host's Note: In case you missed the earlier note, Mark's book _The New
Knowledge Manaagement_, Butterworth-Heinemann; (October 2002), is
excellent. Here is an Amazon link

Mark posted two earlier papers here:


"Mark W. McElroy" <mmcelroy@vermontel.net>

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